Explore what Our Spiritual Heritage has to offer! All our products are digital files for you to download and print, and are available on our online store.
Chronology Toolbox
The Chronology Toolbox is a set of hands-on tools for learning the entire Bible story in chronological order. It contains people, events, books of the Bible, and historical hints, which help students remember when and where events occurred in God’s timeline. It also contains detailed instructions and answer keys that explain how to use each tool effectively.
To see how to use the Chronology Toolbox, check out the Instructional Videos, Part 1 and Part 2 on YouTube.
The Chronology Toolbox can be used by itself, and it’s an essential companion to the Bible Class Curriculum and the Home Bible Study. The Chronology Toolbox includes:
Part 1: Instructional Packet
Instructional Packet that explains in detail how to use the Chronology Toolbox.
Helpful Historical Hints, which are memory devices to enrich your understanding and comfort in each historical period.
Part 2: Visual Aid Packet
Historical Heading Cards (Purple) with drill cards, answer keys, and practice worksheets that divide the Bible into 9 historical time periods:
Before the World Began, God Made a Great Plan
First Fathers
Joshua and Judges
Homesick Heroes
Home Again Heroes
Christ: God’s Great Plan
I Build on God’s Plan
Famous People Cards (White) that list groups of famous people from each historical time period, highlighting people in the lineage of Christ.
Books of the Bible Cards (Yellow) to help you learn where in the Bible you can read about people and events from each of these time periods.
Prophet Visual Aid Cards that contain illustrations of key events and summaries of each prophet’s life and work.
Found-in-Which-Book Pocket Chart that helps students sort Theme Cards or Who People Cards into books of the Bible.
Crowns of the Kings Answer Key that helps students put the kings of Israel and Judah in order and see who reigned at the same time.
Kings and Crowns Matching Game Templates that help students match which king or queen did which action. (Each of the 8 Bible Class Curriculum Themes contains the content for the matching game.)
Prophets and Scrolls Matching Game Templates that help students match which prophet said which quote. (Each of the 8 Bible Class Curriculum Themes contains the content for the matching game.)
Blank Map Templates for creating maps to show students where events happen in the Bible story.
Part 3: Illustrated Theme Cards
8 Illustrated Theme Card Sets with answer keys, to help students gain a better perspective on the spiritual nature of the promises of Jesus while learning where specific people and events fit in the big picture of God's plan. The themes are as follows:
God Is Wise
Light and Water
Life and Bread
Family and Travelers
Eyes and Choices
Falls and Changes
Good and Evil
Part 4: Who People
Who People Cards that are illustrations of 380+ individual Bible characters for sorting or other activities.
Who Wall Drill Cards that are facts about Bible characters that can be matched to the correct Who People.
For a church or homeschool group: $250
For one family: $100
Bible Class Curriculum
The OSH Bible Class Curriculum is a 4-year, theme-based study of the entire Bible. There are two levels of material: K–3rd grade and 4th–6th grade. Each theme comes with both a teacher guide and a student workbook per lesson. The Chronology Toolbox is an essential companion to the curriculum.
Instructional Videos
Now included at no additional cost, these how-to videos show how to use the OSH Bible Class Curriculum to teach children or adults themes that span from Genesis to Revelation. These videos features Nancy Tumlinson and Darlene Walker and was produced by Lakeside Video, Wilson and Carolyn Legg.
8 Illustrated Theme Sets
Each theme has lessons for 26 weeks (6 months) of study.
God Is Wise (2nd Edition)
Light and Water
Life and Bread
Family and Travelers
Eyes and Choices
Falls and Changes
Good and Evil
Teacher Guide
Theme-specific lesson outline (scope and sequence)
Weekly lesson plans:
Pre-time praise and prayer
Memory verse suggestions
Illustrated psalm and/or song
Instructions for integrating the Chronology Toolbox
Applications and drill activities
Theme-specific answer keys and other resources
Additional song suggestions
Student Workbook
Scripture references for each lesson
Theme-focused stories for students and parents to read together
Activities for parent/child interaction and discussion
Suggestions for family prayers based on the lesson
For a church or homeschool group:
K–3rd Grade: $200 per theme
4th–6th Grade: $200 per theme
Both levels: $300 per theme
For one family:
K–3rd Grade: $100 per theme
4th–6th Grade: $100 per theme
Both levels: $150 per theme
Supplemental Materials
Over the years, we’ve added other useful materials to enhance OSH. We highly recommend using these resources!
Song Illustrations by Scott Smelser ($20)
These illustrations help children and adults see the meaning of familiar hymns. They are perfect for making flip charts and slide shows for use in children's Bible classes. Each theme of the OSH Bible Class Curriculum contains one or two of these song illustrations; however, they may also be ordered as a collection.
These song illustrations are included:
“Break Thou the Bread of Life”
“Faith is the Victory”
“Give Me Thy Heart”
“God, Give Us Christian Homes”
“Have Thine Own Way”
“Heavenly Sunlight”
“I Stand Amazed”
“In the Desert of Sorrow and Sin”
“Lord, Send Me”
“Open My Eyes That I May See”
“Blessed Are They”
“More Like Jesus”
“This World Is Not My Home”
God Had a Plan: Through the Bible with Song by Glenda Schales ($15)
This is a collection of 68 original songs written and illustrated by Glenda Schales. They cover topics throughout the Bible and even include songs about kings and prophets from lesser-known Bible stories. The songs help tell the Bible story in musical and memorable ways.
Here are some of the songs included:
“God Can't Be Around Sin” (Gen. 3)
“Three Promises to Abraham” (Gen. 12)
“Colors of Joseph’s Character” (Gen. 37)
“Murmur, Mumble, Mope, and Mourn” (Ex. 16)
“Samson and the Riddle” (Judges 14)
“He Did It, She Did It” (1 Sam. 13)
“Solomon’s Prayer” (1 Kings 3)
“Uz Was” (Job)
“Prepare, Oh Israel!” (Amos)
“Who Will Bring Us Down?” (Obadiah)
“Woe to Cruel Nineveh” (Nahum)
“Habakkuk Cries Out” (Habakkuk)
“Oh, How Tiresome!” (Malachi)
“Me First?” (John 13)
“Do Lots and Lots With Love” (Acts 9)
“Don’t Jump! To Conclusions”
Kings and Rulers Drill Box ($50)
These are mnemonic devices and drill activities to teach the kings of Israel and Judah as well as rulers of other nations throughout the Bible story.
The Kings and Rulers Drill Box includes:
Drill cards with images, scripture references, and other information for kings and rulers from Israel, Judah, and other nations
Memorable rhymes for every king of Israel and Judah
Instructions and answer keys
Home Bible Study
The OSH Home Bible Study was designed for at-home study with your kids or as a homeschool curriculum. We’ve reorganized the first two themes of the OSH Bible Class Curriculum (God Is Wise, Light and Water) into a 26-week, Monday–Friday study. There are two levels of material: K–3rd grade and 4th–6th grade. Each theme comes with both a teacher/parent workbook and a student workbook. The Chronology Toolbox is an essential companion to the Home Bible Study.
2 Illustrated Theme Sets
Each theme has lessons for 26 weeks (6 months) of Monday-Friday study.
God Is Wise
Light and Water
Teacher/Parent Workbook
Theme-specific lesson outline (scope and sequence)
Weekly lesson plans:
Pre-time praise and prayer
Memory verse suggestions
Illustrated psalm and/or song
Instructions for integrating the Chronology Toolbox
Applications and drill activities
Theme-specific answer keys and other resources
Additional song suggestions
Student Workbook
Scripture references for each lesson
Theme-focused stories for students and parents to read together
Activities for parent/child interaction and discussion
Suggestions for family prayers based on the lesson
For one family:
K–3rd Grade: $50 per theme
4th–6th Grade: $50 per theme
Both levels: $75 per theme
For a homeschool group:
K–3rd Grade: $100 per theme
4th–6th Grade: $100 per theme
Both levels: $150 per theme